Games of chance are a form of entertainment and relaxation, offering people a special adrenalin experience. Games of chance are reasonable to play as long as they represent an addition to usual relaxing activities of an individual.
- Before starting to play, it is important to set a limited amount of money that you wish to spend when taking part in a game of chance.
- It is best not to bring along more money than what you have assigned for playing on a certain evening. Also don’t bring credit or debit cards,
- Don’t count on winning a higher prize in the next few games on the basis of having bad luck in the last few games.
- Don’t count on having luck in the next few games on the basis of having a stroke of luck in the last few games.
- Don’t try at any cost to win back the amount that you lost in previous games.
- Set a limited time for playing, then retreat from slot machines, enjoy a drink or a snack and stick to the plan. This gives you time to think if you might have exceeded the limited gaming amount that you set for that day.
- Don’t use gambling as a way of solving your financial problems.
Not any playing games of chance means addiction. To numerous individuals such games represent a way of entertainment and relaxation. Addiction to the games of chance is a covert disease with no noticeable external symptoms, yet it causes severe troubles in psychological, physical, social and working areas. It is a chronic and advancing disease that affects not only the individual, but also those close to him and the social environment in general.
There are two types of addiction to games of chance:
Action an individual is addicted to the excitement that is caused by risky playing, the activity (expecting to win) becomes a drug. Such individuals usually take part in games with more players; as such a way of expecting a prize (win) is even a greater source of adrenaline.
Escape appears with individuals that use this as a way of forgetting or suppressing unpleasant feelings or severe life crises. Such individuals prefer the games where contact with others can be avoided.
If a person recognizes itself in the majority of facts listed below
- Submergence – the addict is overwhelmed by playing, reliving past gaming experiences, planning new adventures or thinking about ways of winning the money for a new game.
- Tolerance – the addict needs increasing amounts of money to experience the desired excitement.
- Crisis – unsatisfaction and anxiety when trying to reduce the frequency of playing or even give up playing.
- Escape – games can be an escape from problems, bad temper, feelings of guilt, depression.
- Frenzy – one of the most typical occurrences; the addict has lost the money and keeps returning to win what he has lost.
- Lying – the addict begins lying to those close to him and his acquaintances to hide the scope of his addiction.
- Unlawful acts – stealing, falsity, falsification of documents and similar unlawful acts are the usual ways of acquiring new money.
- Worse relationships – because of addiction to games of chance, individuals often take the risk of losing their close ones, their job and their career.
- Surety – the individual believes that other people will provide the money for getting him out of severe financial and other types of troubles.
- Losing control – a repeating pattern of unsuccessful attempts to control, reduce or even give up games of chance.
- Incapability of accepting reality – the addict retreats from reality into his dream world, full of the goods he desires and plans to afford when he wins. He dreams of making his close ones happy by giving them expensive gifts, he sees himself as a charming and charitable person whom everybody likes.
- Emotional insecurity – the addict feels satisfaction and security only when playing, while he is vulnerable and insecure in his everyday life.
- Immaturity – the addict wishes to achieve as much as possible in life in an easy way, without great effort. Subconsciously he hopes to avoid assuming responsibility by doing so.
- Winning – the individual experiences some wins that fill him with excessive optimism. He is certain there will be many more wins, thus increasing his payments in the following games.
- Losing – the individual likes to boast about his wins in games of chance, he begins to play alone, more and more often he thinks about playing again and about ways to acquire money.
- Despair – the individual spends increasing amounts of time playing games of chance, with an increasing probability of him acquiring the required money in an unlawful way. This is followed by alienation from the family and friends, which is accompanied by feelings of weakness, remorse, suicidal thoughts, as well as abuse of alcohol and other drugs.
If you think based on the facts described in this brochure that you need help, talk to one of our employees. Together we will try to help you and refer you to institutions that will provide you with expert support.
Each guest of our casino can set for himself/herself a self-prohibition of entrance to the casino for a desired period of time. This is the most efficient way of renouncing the option to let games of chance tempt him/her to become addicted.
The casino management alone can also order the prohibition of entrance to the casino, should they estimate that a visitor has become addicted to games of chance, thus contributing to solving his/her problems.
CONTACTS to seek help in case of addiction to games of chance:
Self-aid group in the institution Odsev se sliši
Phone: +386 (0)80 63738